Friday, January 31, 2003

Why is it so easy for most Americans to accept the news they see on TV and what they read in the paper as the gospel truth? Do most people really understand how the news is filtered, packaged and twisted? It's just like what a mama bird does when she feeds her chicks. She chews it up and regurgitates it so they can swallow it---like what our government does when they need us to believe in a cause. We aren't seeing all those taped videos on the news of Arab extremists chanting feverishly in the streets of Iraq for no reason. They're always shown yelling and screaming their support for Saddam Hussein so the picture in our minds is always one that says "Arabs are extremists. We need to bomb them before they get us!" I'm not saying that the Iraqi dictator isn't vile. I'm saying that most Americans are simply not awake to the fact of just how filtered our news is and how we are fed a steady diet consisting of only "certain" things to make sure we think the "right" way.